Innovation never stops at Calspan's Tire Research Facility. Almost fifty years after developing the world's first high-speed flat belt tire test machine, Calspan's tire experts are now bringing a new testing technology to market.
In the world's first, the Dynamic Contact Patch Pressure (DCPP) measurements, co-developed with the sensor technology experts at Tekscan, allows for high-speed contact patch measurements in the highly accurate and repeatable environment of Calspan's indoor tire test facility.
Get unprecedented insight into the contact patch through accurate and high-resolution contact pressure maps measured at high-speed dynamic conditions.
Our technology enables customers to understand tire dynamics in ways that have never been done before, accelerating the design and validation of new tire designs for electric and autonomous vehicles.
Directly apply measured data to enhance and validate Finite Element tire models, or increase the fidelity of thermo-mechanical tire models for driver-in-the-loop applications.
This innovative system utilizes sensing elements embedded into the belt of Calspan's flat-track test machine's roadway, capturing the contact forces between the tread and road as the tire travels over the sensor. By taking advantage of the accurate control system of the tire test machine, the tire is precisely loaded and positioned for each measurement at relevant conditions of vertical load, speed, camber, and slip (lateral/longitudinal). This technology enables a broad range of conditions to be mapped by the DCPP technology in a very efficient and precise manner – providing a new tool for tire developers to enhance and improve tire designs.
As important as the measurement data itself are the new analysis methods developed by Calspan, designed to support a data-driven decision-making process. From new metrics and visualization methods that help improve understanding of the data, these measurements are also instrumental in the development and validation of tire models. From finite element models used in tire design to thermo-mechanical models used to evaluate tire performance from a full vehicle perspective, DCPP data have already been used in customer projects to improve fidelity and productivity.