Jet Engine Test Solutions

Jet Engine Test Solutions

Aerodynamic Expertise
Aerodynamic Expertise
Engine Test Cell Builds
Engine Test Cell Builds
Components to Models
Components to Models
Jet Engine Test Solutions

An Industry-Leader in Jet Engine Testing, Design, and Manufacturing 

Our dedicated team designs and builds state-of-the-art engine test cell facilities and equipment and offer aftermarket service to meet jet engine test demands. In the area of turbomachinery, Calspan’s team continues a 20-year tradition of setting industry standards for quality with the design and manufacture of turbomachinery test articles and equipment. In addition, Calspan performs precise propulsion testing for a variety of jet engines with several optical measurements available.


Engine Test Facilities

Leader in design, construction, and support of engine test facilities across the product lifecycle.



Engineer, manufacture, instrument, and assemble complex rigs and other experimental equipment.


Propulsion Testing


Test Equipment

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