Engine Test Nacelle Equipment

Engine Test Nacelle Equipment

Licensed by CFMI
Licensed by CFMI
LEAP-1A/1B & CFM56-5B/7B
LEAP-1A/1B & CFM56-5B/7B
Other Engine Families
Other Engine Families
Engine Test Nacelle Equipment

TNE Supply for CFMI and Roll-Royce Engines

Calspan is licensed by CFMI (GE/Safran Joint Venture) to manufacture Engine Bellmouths, Cowlings (Substitute Thrust Reversers), and Boat Tails for the LEAP-1A and -1B engines as well as the CFM56-5B and -7B engines. All products are designed to CFMI standards and are manufactured in the USA.

Calspan also provides various test nacelle equipment for various Rolls-Royce engines.

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